Saturday, May 16, 2009

My latest life lessons...

Sometimes life sucks, plain and simple. I am on an upward swing after a rough few months and a friend recently asked me [what the heck was he thinking?] for advice when dealing with a difficult situation. After my response flowed from me I realized that I might be on to something and decided to share:

First things first... take one day at a time. Avoid thinking about the future- it just becomes a vast space of emptiness that overwhelms and depresses you. Today is what matters, the future will take care of itself with very little worrying and obsessing by you.

Secondly- know what you truly want (as well as you can) sometimes what you think you want isn't what you really want but it just what you've been telling yourself. It seems confusing but really is IT, (or that person) really making you happy or are you telling yourself that you should be happy?

3rd... you are never alone, ever. It may take a couple phone calls, but someone will always talk to you, laugh with you and cry with you whether its family, friends or in a pinch a pet.

I have been accused on more than one occasion of being a talking Hallmark card and this could very well be yet another example of my corniness. However this is what got me through and maybe it will help someone else.

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