Tuesday, May 26, 2009

the little things...

Some days it is hard to motivate myself to do anything. Let's be honest, I don't have anyone depending on me so I can lead a lazy and selfish life if I want to! Well at least for a few days at a time. So here is a list of the little things that I did for me on this cloudy, rainy, dreary day.
*boiled some corn on the cob
*peaked on the momma and 3 baby robins growing on my back porch (I like to keep an eye on them)
*watched people on TABOO drink their own urine, gagged but didn't look away or fast forward
*spent over an hour at the laundry mat... love seedy places and clean laundry
*laughed with friends (thanks Jen, Nick, and Kenzie)
*played with Gabby- hands down my favorite baby in the whole world
*smelled the lilacs
*cleaned the bathroom with all eco-friendly products

I sat down at my computer thinking my day was kind of pathetic, but now am changing my mind. I can find the good in just about everything and my day off was well deserved and lived very simply. And that's not a bad day!

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