THE BASICS:Appleton, WI to Seattle, WA approximately 1,941 miles or 28.5 hours with no stopsFirst if you are interested to accompany me on this adventure you must be available around the date of
August 20, 2011.Also, it would be preferred if you were not prone to road sickness however who am I to judge since I have the occasional bout myself.
Non-negotiable Requirements: ability to
legally leave the state of WI/cross state lines, must love chex mix, ability to take a semi-decent picture in a moving car/through a windshield, willingly avoid all chains foods that exist in WI/eat at local establishments
Suggested Qualifications: ability to drive a car or keep full time driver alert, protect tent from potential bear attacks, acceptable music choices, own a GPS device
If interested contact Annie!
*I reserve the right to modify application at anytime.
** As a semi-seasoned road-tripper much of this application was created through experience.