If I was being honest I would scream at you "son of a bitch" or "f***ing bastard". However I don't want to insult your mom. It isn't her fault that you chose to be this person. I am sure she wouldn't take credit for raising you, but who am I to speculate. Love is unconditional, right?
Rather than curse you, perhaps I should thank you. Without your friendship I may never have felt utter disgust, let alone unleashed hatred. Truth be told, I recognize that if you never turned out to be the asshole that you are I may have made excuses on your behalf for a very long time. It would have been a free invitation to walk all over me whenever your heart desired.
What's unfortunate for me, it that I still picture a piece of goodness inside of you. I hope without reason that you will come to your senses. I wait for that small hidden spark to ignite, but you will not give it a chance.
So please, find happiness, I wish that for you, my friend. Yet secretly, if I am honest, I want you to hurt too.